Soil erosion is not just a concern on large construction sites but can also be an issue on established residential properties. Landscape professionals can not only help to control erosion and its impacts to natural resources but help landowners prevent future degradation to our lakes, ponds, streams, and wetlands with proper site design, plant selection, and other ecological considerations. In this class, participants will be exposed to important concepts for controlling erosion on residential sites, be exposed to regulations and permits required when disturbing soil near natural resources, discuss the importance of selecting and installing appropriate vegetation for the site, and explore other tools available for creating long-term resilient residential landscapes.
This class qualifies for 4 hours of Continuing Education Hours (CEH) for individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices by Maine DEP.
Registration fee is $50 (group rates available): register here
For more information, please contact Alyson at 207-647-3318, ext.117 or