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Big Night Training- Cancelled!

WHEN: Thursday March 19, 2020 5:30 pm - 19:00:00

WHERE: Maine Lake Science Center, 51 Willett Road

Big Night Crossing Guard Training

During this unprecedented time, we have opted to cancel all public events. Please stay tuned for when we can reschedule. Thank you for your understanding. 

What is Big Night? During the first warm rains of spring, amphibians migrate from their winter homes to vernal pools to breed. This sounds like it should be pretty straightforward, right? Sometimes it isn’t as easy as it should be. Many of these animals may travel hundreds of feet to get to and from their breeding pools, and sometimes there are roads between where they spent the winter and where they need to find a mate! How often have you been driving on a rainy night and seemingly out of nowhere there are a bunch of frogs hopping around in the road? This happens frequently in the spring and part of our goal with the Big Night Training and Road Crossing is to help these creatures get across safely to and from the breeding pools. Amphibians are the fastest declining group of species on earth due to their sensitivity to changing climate and because they need two different habitats to survive — forest and wetland.
We hope you can join us at the Big Night Training and learn more about these incredible animals and how we can safely help them cross. The presentation is great for kids and adults and is free! Please register with
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