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ATTN: Cancelled! Willett Brook Herp walk!

WHEN: Thursday June 7, 2018 10:00 am - 13:00:00

WHERE: Maine Lake Science Center, 51 Willett Road, Bridgton ME

We apologize for any inconvenience- the Herp walk has been cancelled for June 7th!

What is a herp? It is better than is sounds. Herptologist Derek Yorks will lead us down to Willett Brook and share his knowledge of Maine reptiles and amphibians, endangered and threatened species, and why Willett Brook and Pondicherry Park are such special places for the animals that call it home. Derek is a biologist for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife where he is part of the Reptile, Amphibian and Invertebrate Group and serves as the department’s specialist on turtles and snakes. Oooh snakes! He holds a degree (M.S.) in Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he has worked on experimental tests of tunnel and fencing options to reduce road mortality of freshwater turtles. Currently, his work focuses on conservation of threatened and endangered reptile species such as the Blanding’s turtle, spotted turtle, wood turtle, and northern black racer within the state of Maine.

Members $5, non-members $10, registration required:



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