For years we have willingly planted lovely things in our gardens- things that may have not turned out to be so lovely when we discover they are basically trying to take over the world. Downtown Bridgton is rife with Japanese knotweed, barberry, smokebush, honeysuckle, bittersweet, and Norway maple. We will discuss these and others, and the implications of non-native and invasive species in the interwoven tapestry of the plant and animal community. This stuff goes all the way up the food chain, affecting biodiversity and habitat. Please join LEA in welcoming Nancy Olmstead, an invasive plant biologist with the State of Maine, to discuss how to identify plants, utilize iMap Invasives- an online GIS-based platform to map invasives, and how to go about developing a management plan. We will spend part of our morning inside, and the rest of the workshop in Pondicherry Park identifying and discussing invasive plants- please dress accordingly. This workshop is free but registration is required: