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Life in a Drop of Water

WHEN: Wednesday May 23, 2018 9:00 am - 11:00:00

WHERE: Maine Lake Science Center, 51 Willett Road, Bridgton ME

Ever wonder why your parents told you not to drink the water from the brook? Or that puddle…ew. We will spend the morning collecting samples from Willett Brook and other small tributaries and learn how to make a microscope slide to examine our findings under the lens. We will explore how to properly use a microscope and see what we can identify for life in the water. This is perfect for home school families looking to get more lab experience and be able to use compound microscopes. Do you have some slides you’d like to examine? Bring them along! We request that participants be over 8 but nice children with an actively participating adult will be welcome (we will have other magnifying tools on hand as well!). This is free for LEA members, $5 non-members with a $15 family maximum. To register please contact

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