Ignore that February date! This winter we are trying something different. If you’re interested in joining us on a snowshoe at the Highland Research Forest or Holt Pond, cross country skiing near and in the Highland Research Forest or ice skating on Highland Lake, we are asking you to sign up for whatever you’re interested in at the link below. We will watch the weather and get out for a stroll every couple of weeks (please ignore the date and time on this webpage! It’s how we can get it on the calendar!). We will let you know a few days in advance when and where to meet, and if you can make it come on out, and if you cannot, there will be lots more opportunities! All COVID protocols will be followed during programs, including wearing masks and travelling in small groups. We hope you can join us! Register here, or you may email grace@mainelakes.org with any questions. Stay safe and let’s go outside!