Oftentimes we look out over a landscape and see lots of green, not really differentiating anything. And there are other times, once you get to know a few plants, that you start to see them everywhere. You say their name in your head as you walk by, and they become familiar friends. Join us and meet tamarack, bog rosemary, cranberry, sphagnum moss, bull rush, pitcher plant, speckled alder, red maple, high bush blueberry, cotton grass, button bush, sweet gale and many many more. We will use Newcomb’s wildflower guide and Magee’s Freshwater wetlands guide to make some new friends too. Please join us on this easy stroll along the trail and boardwalk, bring a snack and water, bug spray and sunscreen, and guide books if you have them. Free for members, $5 non-members, please register with alanna@leamaine.org. Wondering how to get to Holt Pond? Here are directions!