September 30th, 2023, in Jugtown Forest, LEA hosted the fifth Woodland Owner Appreciation Day! It was a day dedicated to the landowners who serve as stewards of the forests that act as a filter for our waters. Over 90% of Maine’s land is privately owned, and by keeping those acres forested we can keep our waters clean.
Educational walks and talks were the heart of the event, offering attendees a deeper understanding of the connection between forests and water protection.
Attendees enjoyed a free lunch and beer brewed with Sebago Lake water (generously donated by Rising Tide Brewing Co.).
The day wouldn’t have been possible without many partners including Hancock Land Company, partner organizations including Sebago Clean Waters, and Portland Water District. Woodland Owner Appreciation Day is also partially funded by a grant from Casco Bay Estuary Partnership.
WOAD is partially funded by a grant from Casco Bay Estuary Partnership and beer was donated by Rising Tide Brewing Company