As part of the Great Maine Outdoor Week, we celebrated by enjoying the fall woods, and giving back! A big thank you to volunteers Ed and Kelly Pontbriand for sharing their expertise Tuesday at the Highland Research Forest, and a big thank you to the volunteers who came out and dug down through the mud to stabilize the bridge for years to come!
We were greeted by a stunning fall day, the kind we all savor, and trekked along the blue-blazed loop trail to a site in clear need of trail assistance. Ed and Alanna had staked out the space, determined materials and hauled them in so we were ready to roll! With pick axes and shovels we excavated to the mineral soil or solid rock (whichever we hit first!), built crib supports, and finally laid rough-cut hemlock planks sawed by Sebago’s Brian Grady. If you missed this workshop, not to worry, we have several more spaces along the trail that will need crossings built this fall and next spring. If you are interested, please email, or join our email list for events!