In mid-May, LEA and the Moose Pond Association teamed up to conduct a watershed survey on Mountain Road near Moose Pond and Shawnee Peak. No, we didn’t subject the land to multiple choice questions, but we did look for areas of erosion (sediment carries phosphorous into the lakes). Once a survey is complete, we can figure out how to improve trouble spots and work with land owners to do so.
With technical assistance from the DEP and Jeff Stern of Fiddlehead Environmental Consulting, members of MPA volunteered their time to train for and conduct this survey. Divided into 5 groups and paired with a technical leader, each group set out to survey one of the 5 sectors near Mountain Road. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, special precautions were taken to minimize the risk of exposure for both participants and the property owners met along the way. Training was held for the first time over the internet, and each surveyor wore a mask while maintaining proper social distancing. The survey was very successful! Although a few sectors are still wrapping up, the majority of the results are in and it already seems like we have gathered some very useful data. The next step is identifying those areas that need the most help with erosion control measures and working with those property owners to obtain the funding and technical expertise required to address the issue. LEA would like to offer our sincerest thanks to those volunteers who participated and the property owners near Mountain Rd for allowing us to conduct the survey. Your efforts will directly help to protect Moose Pond, and we could not have done it without you! Look forward to a report of the results from MPA in the months to come.