Join Maine Audubon, Portland Water District, the Maine DEP and LEA to help identify aquatic insects throughout the watershed. We are looking for interested volunteers to visit tributary streams a couple of times a year to assess macroinvertebrates. We’ll show you how, share an identification manual and field form, and some equipment and send you off for incredible discoveries! Macroinvertebrate investigations are excellent for kids and adults (although the identification part we definitely need some grown-up help!). Different aquatic insects thrive in different streams– fast or slow moving water, rocky or mucky bottoms, warm or cold– we’ll show you why and what we hope to see, and what that tells us about the quality of our streams! We hope you can join us on this exciting watershed-wide investigation! We will have online trainings July 29th and 30th and an in-person training August 1 in Bridgton at the Maine Lake Science Center (socially distancing and masks respectfully requested). For more information, please visit: