Learn about our seasonal roles below. This year we will be hiring for the following positions for summer 2025:
Water-testing interns are responsible for monitoring and collecting water samples from 41 lakes and ponds in the area. They work in teams of two, paired with another intern or a volunteer monitor. Interns test the clarity of the water using a Secchi disk, record oxygen and temperature values throughout the water column, and collect samples to test for chlorophyll, phosphorus, alkalinity, pH, conductivity, and color. They bring the samples to the Maine Lakes Science Center Lab and prepare the chlorophyll and phosphorous samples for the Staff Limnologist and Staff Researcher to process. Occasionally interns will be asked to deliver samples to the Health and Environmental Testing Lab in Augusta. The interns run the remaining physical and chemical analyses at the LEA lab. The information is then entered into the master database. Interns must be comfortable in a canoe and be able to swim, as they will spend a good portion of their time on the water. In addition to regular water testing, interns may also work on other related projects such as microplastic monitoring, algae assessment, and loon surveying.
Water testing is the primary duty of the summer interns; however, some facility maintenance, trail work, courtesy boat inspecting (for invasive plants), computer work, and educational program work are also required. All training will be provided during orientation. The hours are generally 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, although some nights and weekends may be required. Driver’s license and access to a vehicle are preferred.
LEA’s summer internships are paid positions geared toward motivated and responsible college students with environmental or educational interests. Interns are required to complete a variety of tasks and work with many different individuals. The work environment is casual but busy, and about 50 to 60 percent of the work is outdoors. And some is inside too!
To apply for the 2025 Water Testing Internship please fill out this this form. For more information, feel free to reach out to maggie@mainelakes.org
LEA hires over 30 local Courtesy Boat Inspectors (CBIs) every summer season for area boat launches. This position is open to all individuals (not just college students). CBIs are a line of defense against potential boat “travelers”, aquatic invasive plants and animals hitching a ride from the last water body to here. It is so important that we all do our part to ensure our boats are clean, drained, and dry as we move from place to place so we do not unwittingly contaminate our local waters. CBIs have flexible schedules at boat launches to check incoming and outgoing boats for plant hitchhikers, help to share the news with the public, and collectively stop some major hitchhikers from entering our waters.
Please contact mary@mainelakes.org for more information or click here for an application.
Milfoil crew members remove the invasive plant variable leaf milfoil from Long Lake, Brandy Pond, Sebago Lake, the Songo River, and Sebago Cove in Naples via a suction-harvesting boat, installing benthic barriers, and hand-pulling. Tasks include pulling the invasive plant underwater, bagging plants, collecting plant fragments, disposing of plants, conducting plant surveys, monitoring diver safety, educating boaters on the threats of milfoil, and light boat and engine maintenance. All crew members will receive a scuba certification through NAUI, CPR/First Aid training, and a Boater’s Safety card. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Check out our youtube page for some milfoil crew footage!
Successful applicants demonstrate a strong work ethic, responsibility, resilience to the dynamic weather of a Maine summer, and can communicate effectively and openly with team members. Applicants must be comfortable spending three to four hours in the water at a time. They must also be able to lift 50 lbs. and feel comfortable operating a motorboat. Driver’s license and access to a vehicle are preferred. If you are interested in a summer job removing milfoil with LEA, please fill out this form. For more information or additional questions, please reach out to morgan@mainelakes.org.